
Photo by Jana Kathryn Photography

From attending the Nutcracker ballet with her mom as a kid to being on dance team in high school to clubbing with friends, Kari has always loved dance. She took it to the next level when she attended her first bellydance class in 2004. Twenty years later, she continues to be a joyful dancer as well as a knowledgeable and encouraging teacher. Kari welcomes dancers of all shapes, sizes, and abilities to her classes. She firmly believes that dance helps you celebrate the body you are living in right now. 


Kari has performed and taught other styles but her main focus is group improvisation (formerly known as American Tribal Style) as created by FatChanceBellyDance®. She is a certified FCBD® Style instructor. In addition, she is always expanding her knowledge by attending workshops and classes with instructors from all over the world.


In this dance, Kari has discovered a community of amazing individuals as well as self-confidence and bodily acceptance seldom found anywhere else. She regularly performs with her troupe Mizmar Madness in the Colorado Springs area.